1957 Mexico City Debut
Excelsior, 1957
“In Ann Schein, we have seen one of the most legitimate and evident hopes of the pianistic art among all of those we have heard in recent times.”
El Universal Grafico, 1957
“Ann Schein offered a recital with a well-chosen program. Notwithstanding her youth (she is only seventeen years old) she demonstrated astounding mastery of her art. Among other works on the program, she offered a Nocturne, two Mazurkas, and three Etudes of Chopin. In Miss Schein, we truly found one of the best interpreters of Chopin we have ever heard.”
El Nacional, Mexico City, August, 1957
“In the main hall (Palacio de Bellas Artes) we had Ann Schein 17 year old pianist, with an audience of the same quality and quantity as if she had been a widely known and admired artist…It sufficed with her two presentations as soloist with the Symphony Orchestra to gain the approval of a most exacting public…Miss Schein truly won popular acclaim with her rendition…of Rachmaninoff’s Third Concerto and then with Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto, brilliant and forceful, which needs the touch of real artistry…Ann Schein captivated us in both cases. Miss Schein is an artist of very fine sensibility and full of musicality…during the intermission, the general consensus centered around her beautiful way of SAYING the music…and her temperamental and expressive personality.”
Recital, Palacio de Bellas Artes, August, 1957
El Universal Grafico, July, 1957
“Young, gifted Ann Schein was acclaimed and triumphed again yesterday… her great gifts and exquisite musicality were shown once more in the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto with great success.”
El Nacional, July, 1957
“The young pianist possesses a complete dominion of her instrument… moreover, she revealed that she is an interpreter extraordinarily intuitive and personal.”
Tchaikovsky Concerto in B-flat minor, Palacio de Bellas Artes, July, 1957
Universal, July, 1957
“In spite of her seventeen years, she demonstrated astonishing musical superiority… Ann Schein impressed us above all with the lucidity of her spirit, the force and brilliance of her pulsation, the exquisiteness of her touch and the clarity of her execution. We salute in her a great artist of the future.”
Debut, Mexico City, 1957
Rachmaninoff 3rd Concerto, Palacio de Bellas Artes, July, 1957
Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1 in B-flat major, July, 1957
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